Tag: Quincy University

  • Q&A – Matt Lynch and Matt Bates

    You've spoken. We've listened.  You've asked for more episodes giving a window into the secret lives of OnScript co-hosts. Or at least, you've asked us to allow more time for chat between hosts. So we'll try to do a bit more of that. In this episode, Matt Lynch and Matt Bates, the co-founders of OnScript, ask each other questions about Paul, hell, life, violence, divine-human appearances in the OT, faith as allegiance, Matt B.'s new book, books we've read, and more. Enjoy, and share the word!

  • Q&A Episode – October 2018

    Episode: Matt, Matt, Erin, & Dru discuss your questions. And YOU WON’T BELIEVE WHAT THEY SAY NEXT! Listen to find out. Help Support OnScript: Visit our Donate Page if you want to join […]

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