Historical Geography – John Monson

Episode: In this episode, Kyle and Chris are joined by John Monson to discuss the history of one of their favorite subjects – the Historical Geography of the Bible.

Guest: Dr. Monson was born to missionary parents in Zaire but spent most of his youth in Jerusalem, Israel, where he developed an interest in biblical studies, archaeology, and historical geography. Prior to coming to Trinity he taught for eleven years at Wheaton College, where he received the Faculty Achievement Award in Teaching. His archaeological fieldwork has taken him to Syria, Lebanon, and numerous excavations in Israel. He’s the author of Dothan I: Remains from the Tell (1953-1964), co-editor, (Eisenbrauns, 2005), 1 Kings in the Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary, and The Temple of Solomon (Oxford University Press, forthcoming) (adapted from the TEDS website).

Hosts: Chris and Kyle

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Resources: Jerusalem University College offers short term study courses in Historical Geography in the land of Israel, both in-person and online. https://www.juc.edu/academics/short-term-study-programs/historical-geographical/

Biblical Backgrounds provides immersive resources to study the story and land of the Bible. Their maps are unparalleled guides for getting to know the Land. https://www.biblicalbackgrounds.com

Image Attribution: https://www.juc.edu/academics/master-arts/biblical-history-and-geography/


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