Aaron Sherwood – Romans

Episode: Matt discusses Aaron’s whopping huge Romans commentary, discussing the book’s rhetorical aims and literary flow, the troubling “hardening” of Israel in Rom 9-11, and why the real deal is in Romans 12-16.

Guest: Aaron Sherwood (Ph.D. Durham University) served as a biblical studies professor in Virginia, The Bahamas, and New York, between 2011-2016. Since then, he has been an independent researcher, an at-home father, and a part time administrative assistant at a legal firm. In addition to Romans: A Structural, Thematic, and Exegetical Commentary (Lexham: 2020), he’s the author of The Word of God has not Failed: Paul’s Use of the Old Testament in Romans 9:6–29 (Lexham, 2015), and Paul and the Restoration of Humanity in Light of Ancient Jewish Traditions (Leiden: Brill, 2012).

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