Bill Brown – Psalms in Dialogue amidst Disruption

Episode: These are times of deep division and disruption. Saying so is almost as obvious as saying, “The sky is blue.” But finding a way to dialogue through division and disruption is perplexing business, and can be dispiriting! However, the Psalms offer a profound model of holding tensions, diverse viewpoints, and conflicting ideas within one songbook, and also model creative dialogue with a wide range of Old Testament perspectives, so argues William P. Brown in his book Deep Calls to Deep: The Psalms in Dialogue Amidst Disruption (Abingdon, 2021). We discuss Psalms-as-dialogue and much more (including a discussion of the James Webb Space Telescope) in this episode!

Guest:  William P. Brown is William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia. Bill has published numerous books, including

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