Brittany Wilson – The Embodied God
Episode: Does God have a body? Did the New Testament writers think that God has a body? Brittany Wilson says, Yes! Her study of Luke-Acts challenges assumptions that God is inherently invisible and incorporeal, and draws multiple lines of connection between images of an embodied God from the Old Testament and similar images in the New Testament. This wide-ranging and engaging conversation draws from Wilson’s groundbreaking new book The Embodied God (OUP, 2021).
Guest: Dr. Brittany Wilson is Associate Professor of New Testament at Duke Divinity School. She’s the author of Unmanly Men: Refigurations of Masculinity in Luke-Acts (OUP) which won the Manfred Lautenschlaeger Award for Theological Promise in 2015, and she’s written The Embodied God: Seeing the Divine in Luke-Acts and the Early Church (OUP 2021), discussed in this episode. She’s also working on a larger project that explores divine embodiment across the NT. Wilson serves on editorial boards for the Library of New Testament Studies and the Journal for the Study of the New Testament, and she is the co-chair for the Society of Biblical Literature Gospel of Luke section. She also serves on steering committees for the Society of Biblical Literature Book of Acts section and the Senses, Cultures, and Biblical Worlds section. Wilson has been a Regional Scholar for the Society of Biblical Literature and received a sabbatical grant for researchers from the Louisville Institute in 2016-2017. She is a United Methodist and a John Wesley Fellow.
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