Christopher Hays – Isaiah and Assyria

Episode:Christopher B. Hays sits down with Matt Lynch to discuss one of the most important and hotly contested sections of Isaiah. Among the only Old Testament texts to mention resurrection from the dead, Isaiah 24-27 have long perplexed and intrigued biblical scholars. In this episode, we talk about these texts and … corn whisky, colonizing Mars, and other important subjects related to Chris’ recent book.

Guest: Christopher Hays is D. Wilson Moore Chair of Ancient Near Eastern Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary. In 2013, he was one of ten scholars around the world to receive the Manfred Lautenschlaeger Award for Theological Promise. Hays served as President of the Pacific Coast Region of Society of Biblical Literature in 2017-18. Hays is the author of Hidden Riches: A Textbook for the Comparative Study of the Old Testament and the Ancient Near East(Westminster John Knox, 2014) and Death in the Iron Age II and in First Isaiah (Forschungen zum Alten Testament 79; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2011). He is writing the Isaiah commentary for the Old Testament Library series, having translated the book for the Common English Bible and written the entry on Isaiah for the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Books of the Bible. His most recent book and our topic for today is The Origins of Isaiah 24-27: Josiah’s Festival Scroll for the Fall of Assyria (Cambridge, 2019). 

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