Joshua Farris – Theological Anthropology
Episode: What am I? Why am I here? Why do I exist? In this episode, co-host Amy Hughes talks to Joshua R. Farris about the existential crisis-inducing subject of theological anthropology. Farris has written a new book An Introduction to Theological Anthropology: Humans, Both Creaturely and Divine (Baker Academic, 2020), a treatment of all of the central questions of what it means to be human from a broadly Reformed perspective. There’s no way to have a short conversation on the nature of the soul or what constitutes a human person or death or really anything having to do with what it means to be human – good thing there’s a new book on the subject!
Guest: Joshua R. Farris (PhD, University of Bristol, UK) is the Chester and Margaret Paluch Professor at Mundelein Seminary, University of Saint Mary of the Lake, and part-time Lecturer at Auburn University Montgomery. He was a Visiting Fellow at The Creation Project, Carl F.H. Henry Center at TEDS (Spring 2018) and Assistant Professor of Theology at Houston Baptist University. He was born in South Carolina. Raised a charismatic who later became a Southern Baptist and arrived at the Reformed Episcopal Church. Joshua is a chief editor (with Charles Taliaferro) of the Ashgate Research Companion to Theological Anthropology (Ashgate, 2015). He is co-editor (with S. Mark Hamilton) of Idealism and Christianity: Idealism and Christian Theology, Vol. 1 (Bloomsbury, 2016), co-editor of Christian Physicalism: Philosophical-Theological Criticisms(with R. Keith Loftin). Additionally, he has co-edited Being Saved: Explorations in Human Salvation. He has published his monograph, The Soul of Theological Anthropology: A Cartesian Exploration and An Introduction to Theological Anthropology: Humans, Both Creaturely and Divine (Baker Academic, 2020). He is co-editing (with Benedikt Paul Gocke) Rethinking Idealism and Immaterialism: A Historical and Philosophical Study. Joshua is also co-editor of Re-envisioning Reformed Dogmatics series (with Cascade) and the international advisor/editor for Perichoresis, Journal of Biblical and Theological Studies, and the European Journal of Philosophy of Religion. Joshua has published Around 40 refereed articles many of which are in top-tier journals as well as reviews for both philosophical and theological journals. He serves as a referee for several philosophical, theological, and interdisciplinary journals. Joshua has also presented at various academic conferences on inter-disciplinary studies, philosophy, theology, and ethics. He preached for three years at a Presbyterian church and has varied ministry experience with youth and adults. He is married with one child whom they adopted as an embryo (called ‘snowflake baby’). For fun, he reads, watches film, and hikes (although not nearly enough).
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