Justo González – Prayer in the Early Church and Today
Episode: “Our Father, who is in heaven…” These words and the rest of the Lord’s Prayer are so familiar. They remind us to seek God, draw us into communal prayer with the church, and bring comfort. However, while we repeat words we cherish, sometimes this familiarity becomes distance. In this episode, co-host Amy Hughes talks with Dr. Justo González about his new book Teach Us To Pray: The Lord’s Prayer in the Early Church and Today (Eerdmans, 2020). Let us come to the Lord’s Prayer anew, without fear and with new understanding.
Guest: Dr. Justo González is a retired United Methodist minister and professor of historical theology. He attended United Seminary in Cuba and was the youngest person to be awarded a PhD in historical theology at Yale University. He is the author of the celebrated three-volume History of Christian Thought and The Story of Christianity volume 1 and volume 2. He has written more than 100 books published in more than ten languages.
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Thank you
Justo, our friendship has been a long “jornada” since we lived in Cuba, and when you were my mission professor at Candler. You are inspiring me as I prepare to teach “el padre nuestro” at the 2023 Mission u
Hey likely won’t read it here, but that’s a lovely comment. All the best to you as you prepare your teaching!
Dr. Gonzalez gives us a global interpretation of the Lord’s Prayer, not only from its historical perspective, and it emergence in the early church, but how it is understood by all Christ followers across the world, uttered in hundreds of languages.
This book is recommended in the 2023 United Women in Faith Mission-U program. I will be reading it in advance of leading the study in California this summer.
Great to hear! Enjoy