(Theology) Fr John Behr – Origen and the Early Church, Pt1

Theology Track Episode: Live from Nashotah House, WI (3rd year running), we’ve got a two-part interview. Amy Brown Hughes talks with Fr John Behr about Origen and all things Patristic. This episode requires theological safety gear, helmet, orange cones, … everything.

Guest:  The Very Reverend Dr John Behr is a British Eastern Orthodox priest and theologian.  He is the former Dean of St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, where he is currently the Director of the Master of Theology Program and the Father Georges Florovsky Distinguished Professor of Patristics. He was ordained to the diaconate on September 8, 2001 and the priesthood on September 14, 2001. He is the editor of the Patristic Series released by St. Vladimir’s Press. He was elected dean of the seminary on November 18, 2006, and served as dean from 2007 until 2017, when he was named Father Georges Florovsky Distinguished Professor of Patristics. He’s the author of numerous books, including translation works, e.g., Origen: On First Principles (Oxford)Irenaeus: On the Apostolic Teaching (St Vladimir’s Press), The Way to Nicaea, Vol. 1 (St. Vladimir’s Press), and Formation of Christian Theology, Vol. 2: The Nicene Faith (St. Vladimir’s Press). (adapted from Wikipedia, no less)

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If you like this: Check out our episode with Amy Brown Hughes and Lynn Cohick on their book Christian Women in the Patristic World, as well as our episode with Meghan Henning on her book Educating Early Christians Through the Rhetoric of Hell, and our episode with Matthew Thomas on his book Paul’s ‘Works of the Law’ in the Perspective of Second Century Reception.



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