Vince Bantu – A Multitude of All Peoples (Live in San Antonio)

Episode: Erin and Matt L. join Vince Bantu for a live recording in San Antonio. At this IVP Academic sponsored event, we cover all things early Christianity as it took root and developed in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. We talk about the (often) untold stories of early Christianity, the weaponization of doctrine, Miaphysite and Diaphysite controversies, Vince’s Old Nubian studies, and much more from his book A Multitude of All Peoples: Engaging Ancient Christianity’s Global Identity (IVP 2020)!

Guest: Rev. Dr. Vince Bantu is Assistant Professor of Church History and Black Church Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary. He’s the author of Gospel Haymanot: A Constructive Theology and Critical Reflection on African and Diasporic Christianity (2020), and the book discussed in this episode, A Multitude of All Peoples: Engaging Ancient Christianity’s Global Identity (IVP 2020). Vince is also the founder and director of the Meachum School of Haymanot (Haymanot is Ge’ez, or Ethiopic for faith), which exists to bring biblical, grad-level theological education to African-American, ethnic minority and low-income communities in a contextualized and affordable manner.

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Mentioned in this Episode: J. Edward Walters, Eastern Christianity: A Reader (Eerdmans).

Thanks again to our sponsor for this event, IVP Academic! Check out their fall 2021 catalogue HERE.

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