The Bible and Animal Studies – Suzanna Millar and Sébastien Doane
Episode: Suzanna Millar and Sébastien Doane introduce us to a newer field in biblical studies that focuses on animals in the Bible and ancient Near East. Millar and Doane co-chair “The Bible and Animal Studies” program unit at the Society for Biblical Literature.
Guests: Dr. Suzanna Millar is the Chancellor’s Fellow in Hebrew Bible/Old Testament at the University of Edinburgh. She co-edited the Cambridge Companion to Biblical Wisdom literature, and is also interested in ecology and non-human animals. She’s also editing the forthcoming Oxford Handbook of the Bible and Animals and is writing a book tentatively entitled Animals and Power in the Books of Samuel.
Dr. Sébastien Doane is Associate Professor of Biblical Studies at the Université Laval. He’s the author of several books, including Questions controversées sur Jésus (Montréal, Novalis, 2023) and Analyse de la réponse du lecteur au récit des origines de Jésus en Mt 1-2 (Leuven, Peeters, 2019). He’s currently writing Reading the Bible Amid the Environmental Crisis: Interdisciplinary Insights to Ecological Hermeneutics (Lexington).
Image Attribution: By Syrischer Maler um 1335 – The Yorck Project (2002), Public Domain,
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